Welcome, blessed is the one who comes. Shalom aleichem, peace be with you. Aleichem shalom, peace upon you as well. Here is the question, if you walked into work and were met with this type of a welcome, would your day be looking up? How about Shlam'alokhon -- Peace be upon you in Aramaic. So many ways to welcome, some heartfelt, some are rather sterile. I recently walked into an establishment where the greeter was saying hello to everyone in the exact same way.
“Hi there, how are you doing, that’s great.”
The person ahead of me said “not so good, feeling a little under the weather” and the response was “that’s great, welcome to the store.”
I am wondering if it ever did hit the greeter what the customer had said. There are so many things out there we are just conditioned to say or respond. There are times when those we come into contact with would like to have a chat about how things are going but the other person is simply going through the motions and secretly hope no one will talk to them. I watched as a staff member walked down another aisle in order to avoid a customer. There are times when we all need to have that bit of space or want to avoid any personal interactions but when it becomes the norm, maybe it is time to take a step back, review, refocus and refresh. As life closes in and we start to disconnect from relationships, the trend is to build up walls, hide the pain and wear a mask of false smiles. As the world becomes more weary, it truly starts to feel like we are all alone, fighting against the current and in fear of getting sucked down the drain. Turn to the Lord, for He said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.” Another way to say that, welcome all of you who are absolutely spent, let Me bring you relief from all that burdens you.
There is something about a heartfelt Baruch Haba B’shem Adonai. When the Saviour calls out and says “take a break, review the things in life that are important, refocus your priorities and refresh in the power and comfort of the Holy Spirit”, are you willing to take on the challenge of letting go the pressures of the world and welcome in the Lord for a time of prayer and communion? Life is too short to spend looking at the walls of the box we have put up to insulate ourselves from the world. Shalom aleichem, peace be with you, His peace bring you comfort and joy. Call upon the Messiah and welcome Him into your life. Baruch Haba B'shem ADONAI - -- blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!
This Sunday, we finish up the series on welcoming. We would love for you to join us either in person or online Sunday at 10:30 AM MST.
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We look forward to seeing you this Sunday.
Our Mission “To live the love of Christ”