There is a box that sits atop the shelves over my desk. It is a plain black box with nothing in it, just air. I used this box as an illustration years ago and it sits there as a reminder, but I cannot remember what for, but it does serve as a primer for this week’s article. Something that struck me a couple weeks ago was when someone asked me why I believe in a myth, a story that is not empirically substantiated or confirmed and it occurred to me that I needed to ask this person to elaborate a bit further. I had just given a person with a loaded weapon the opportunity to take the first kill shot. Funny thing about this volley was he was very predictable the first shot missed the mark.
“No one has seen God and, therefore, no one has proven Him to be real.”
I asked him, “have you ever seen air?”
You see, I have never seen air, but I know it to exist because I breathe it, and I can assure you I would know if it did not exist because I would suffocate. To add to this, I have faith that air in the correct mixture exists so that I can live but even if you did not believe in air, you would still be alive because it exists. Now, after years of reading about the various probability factors involved in intelligent design versus the “poof there it is” theory where a single cell organism evolved over time to become everything we know on earth, I was prepared to enjoy a wonderful debate with regards to faith. You see, in my opinion, it takes a ton more faith to believe in the theories of evolution (you see there are hundreds of ideas of how things started) then it does to grasp the truth of intelligent design. According to science, matter can neither be created or destroyed so the question is this; where did the original matter come from to become every single particle, planet, star, or galaxy in the entire immeasurable universe? The big bang theory has a major question to answer yet it is not far off.
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was formless and empty, and darkness covered the deep waters. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the surface of the waters. Then God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. And God saw that the light was good. Then he separated the light from the darkness. God called the light “day” and the darkness “night.” And evening passed and morning came, marking the first day. Gen 1:1-5 NLT
I bet you that made a big BANG! Did you also know that the earth sits at the perfect distance from the sun so as not to lose its atmosphere to the searing temperature of the sun’s rays or be in a constant state of frozen if it were further away? Did you know that the mixture of gases is perfect, even now, for the proliferation of life? Enough carbon dioxide for the plants and enough oxygen for the animals. That is not something that evolved, it was created on purpose. Which brings me back to the box. The box seems empty, but it is not completely empty, you see it has the elixir of life, air and it also has a reminder for me; there is a sheet of paper in the bottom that simply says “forgiven” and a picture of the cross. You see, Jesus went to the cross for us all, but we need to believe that He went there for each and every one of us, whether we believe or not, but for those who believe in Christ as Lord and Saviour, there is a promise of Glory. Secondly, God breathed the breath of life into His creation, Adam, and thus began our journey. Following up on the sermon from last week, this is what I believe, and you are more than welcome to dispute or confirm this, but I do know one thing that will never change, the grave may be empty, but the Breath of Life ensures the receptacle is never empty.

This Sunday, our Community Pastor, Eryn will be bringing the second message of 2025. Please plan to join us either in person or online at 10:30 AM this Sunday. The service will be broadcast online on our website ( https://www.mainavefellowship.ca/socialplatforms ) or you are more than welcome to join us in person at 402 Main Ave. W in Sundre, AB.